The Self-immolation of K. Muthukumar happened on January 29, 2009 in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. He burnt himself against the genocide of minority Sri Lankan Tamils in Sri Lanka as part of the 2009 Tamil diaspora protests in India. Before his death, he distributed a four page statement in the Tamil language.
Muthukumar was born in the southern district of Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu, India. He was employed as a journalist before his death. His funeral attracted thousands of mourners including Indian politicians such as Vaiko, Thol Thirumavalavan and S. Ramadoss amongst others. The state government offered monetary compensation for the family, which was rejected. His death led to a number of other attempts of self immolation in Tamil Nadu during the protesting. His death also led to further protests by students across Tamil Nadu.[1][2]